Dear Istanbulites,
We are working for a fair, green and creative Istanbul with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, our affiliates and subsidiaries. We introduced various significant works and services to our city with the aim of building an Istanbul where our citizens look to the future with hope and confidence and are happy to live in.
We put an end to practices such as the occupation of public spaces, the sacrifice of green areas for undeserved gains, and the use of public resources for only certain groups in Istanbul. In all the projects we have implemented, we have taken into consideration the interests of 16 million Istanbulites and provided equal service to everyone without discriminating anyone.
With this understanding, we have realized numerous valuable projects that were not on Istanbul’s agenda before. The projects we have realized, especially Yuvamız Istanbul nurseries, student dormitories, Pay-it-forward Bills, Istanbul Public Milk and Mother Card supports, City Restaurants, Regional Employment Offices and student scholarship projects, have become the pride of Istanbul.
In this period since 2019, the infrastructure investments and the most metro lines opened in Istanbul has been the most in all of its history. We have carefully preserved our ancestral heirlooms and industrial heritage and reintroduced them to our city with new functions. By constructing more than 2 thousand kilometers of natural gas lines, we brought natural gas to neighborhoods that did not have natural gas before. We restarted agricultural production in Istanbul. At the Seedling Production Centre we established, we produced free seedlings for our farmers; we provided feed, fertilizer and irrigation support to our producers.
We will continue to work to move our beautiful city forward in every field from education to health, from sports to culture and arts, from green areas to infrastructure investments. In the next five years, we will work hard to set the bar even higher than our performance in our previous term in order to create a more innovative, stronger era where we accomplish works that are even more valuable.
We are in the second century of our Republic, which is the source of all our achievements as Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of our Republic, referred to with the words, "Today, the secret of all the achievements we can rightfully be proud of is in the establishment of the new Turkish State." I know and believe that in the second century of our Republic, we will accomplish many more achievements together with our nation. We will succeed together.
Best regards,
Mayor of Istanbul