City of Piers Istanbul The şirket-i Hayriye period is also the period of scaffolding. Until the middle of the 19th century when the Şirket-i Hayriye was founded, there was no trace of the berths in the Bosphorus where ships and ferries could dock and load and unload. It can be said that the ferries of the Şirket-i Hayriye were not able to approach the shore in the first period, and the passengers were going to and from the ferry to the ferries and from the land to the ferries. This situation was both quite tiring and dangerous for the passengers. The company-i Hayriye administrators, decided to roll up their arms in order to solve the problem in question. It was decided to build the wharfs where the steamers within the structure of the Şirket-i Hayriye could berth and closed structures would be provided to the passengers.
Thus, Besiktas, Ortakoy, Kurucesme, Arnavutkoy, Bebek, Rumeli Fortress, Baltalimani, Emirgan, Istinye, Yenikoy, Tarabya, Buyukdere and Sariyer are located on the Rumeli coast of the Bosphorus. Hisari, Kanlıca and Beykoz pier and indoor waiting areas began to be built. In the beginning, the closed waiting area for the passengers, who were not in the piers, served in almost every jetty in 1914.
Şirket-i hayriye‘s first love: Üsküdar pier Üsküdar Pier has the title of the first scaffolding built by the Şirket-i Hayriye on the shore of the Bosphorus. At Üsküdar Pier which is one of the busiest piers, City Lines Inc. Steamers takes and drops passengers every twenty minutes.
According to the records, the first form of the pier was a little further from the coast, close to the historical fountain in the square. The first pier built by the Company-i Hayriye was demolished in 1906 and rebuilt to include bird cages, fancy and carved ticket offices. Piers won with its current appearance with new construction.
ANATOLIAN'S DOOR OPENING TO ISTANBUL: HAYDARPAŞA SCAFFOLDING The Haydarpasa Pier, built by Vedat Tek, one of the leading and famous architects of Turkish Architecture History, as a stone masonry building, served as a gateway from Istanbul to Anatolia. Haydarpasa Pier, which is one of the symbolic structures of the Republic, is located in front of the Haydarpasa Railway Station, and carry passengers from Anatolia to Istanbul or from Istanbul to Anatolia.
Haydarpasa article which was written by Mehmet Emin Bey, master of the art of Kütahya china is seen in the old pier, where inscriptions are placed on the interior and exterior and on the façades.
Haydarpasa pier, one of the last works of the Ottoman Empire, was restored by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism with the permission of antiquities taken for restoration registered.
KADIKÖY SCAFFOLD FROM PAST TO FUTURE Kadikoy Port, which is one of the most famous piers in the style of Neoclassic Turkish Architecture and made of masonry style, had reached the first ferry to Kadikoy in 1846 by the Fevaid-i Osmaniye Administration in 1915, long before the construction of semi-concrete, semi-masonry.
In time, with the filling of the coast in 1908, today's Kadıköy Square was revealed and the inscription found during the last repair of the scaffold building was marked with old letters in 1926. The Kadıköy Pier, which contains the quality of Kütahya Tile tiles on the second floor and the valuable documents of the Turkish Tile Art from the beginning of the 20 th century, was restored after a major repair in 1959 and was transformed into the original form with the addition of the side rails. Kadıköy İskele Building has reached the present day after being repaired for the last time.
Beylerbeyi's historical heritage reflecting the Beylerbeyi Pier
Beylerbeyi Pier is one of the oldest berths on the Bosphorus Strait. The Beylerbeyi reflects the historical and cultural heritage of Beylerbeyi with its identity as a settlement dating back to the Byzantine period.
With the permission of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, a concrete pier platform was added to the Beylerbeyi Pier, which was restored in accordance with the original. İskele, which keeps its doors open to its passengers, is registered as a cultural property of the ministry.
A beautiful pier on the bank of the Bosphorus: ÇENGELKÖY SCAFFOLDING
The history of the Çengelköy Port, located in Çengelköy, one of the districts of Istanbul, with its historical, natural and cultural richness, is not known for certain. Iskele serves the passenger ferries of the Bosphorus line.
The restoration of the Çengelköy Port, which is registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, was carried out in accordance with the original issue with the permission of the Ministry of Culture, the Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection Council of Istanbul. The 172 square meter pier building was constructed as a wooden cladding. 330,75 square meters of the pile is used as a pier platform.
Kandilli Pier which takes the name of the famous district with its beauty The construction date of Kandilli Pier, located in Kandilli district, famous for its observatory and beauty, is not known. The Kandilli Pier, which is registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, was recently restored with the approval of the Ministry of Culture, the Board for the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage of Istanbul No. 3.
The 98-square-meter wood-clad pier building, built in accordance with the original, is located on the 345,60 square-meter platform, which is obtained by piling it to the sea. The rest of the platform is used as a berth.
Sculpture which gives culture and history: ANADOLU HİSARI İSKELESİ
The Old Anatolian Fortress, which dates back to the founding of the Ottoman Empire, was built in 1393 by Yıldırım Bayezid on the ruins of the Zeus Shrine, which remained from the ancient times. Her name was Güzelhisar. After Fatih Sultan Mehmed conquered Constantinople, it was named as Anadolu Hisarı.
In the last period of the Ottoman Empire; In 1851, the first pier to Anadolu Hisari was made to Hisaronu as a wood by Company-i Hayriye. In 1905, the pier was rebuilt and its painting works were carried out by the head priest Hasan Usta of Hasköy Shipyard.
In 1905, the scaffolding was destroyed and rebuilt and the painting works were carried out by the head painter Hasan Usta of Hasköy Shipyard.
Restoration was done by the Ministry of Culture with the permission of restoration to the Anatolian Pier, which was registered as a cultural asset. Platform was built on reinforced concrete pile instead of wooden pier platform. The restoration of the 135-square-meter pier building was made on a 510-square-foot platform.
Famous pier of famous district: Kanlıca pier Kanlıca Pier, which serves the passengers in the beautiful and famous district of Kanlıca, was one of the important piers in the period of şirket-i Hayriye. Kanlıca Pier, whose construction date is not known clearly, completes the icon of the famous district with its yoghurts.
The restoration of the pier, which was registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, was recently made with the permission of the restoration. The quay building was built on a 128 square meter section of the 348,86 square meter area of the pier. The other part was used as a berth berth.
Çubuklu jetty, one of the symbols of the Bosphorus The history of the construction of the Çubuklu Jetty, which symbolizes the life and cultural heritage of the Bosphorus and has provided transportation services during the period of the Sirket-i Hayriye, is unknown.
With the permission of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as registered immovable cultural property, the platform has gained a platform with 430,45 square meter pile system. While 118, 25 square meters of the platform was built for scaffolding, the remaining part was used as a docking site.
Renovated PAŞABAHÇE Pier
Paşabahçe Pier, which is well-known by the elderly people of Istanbul, was restored after being decommissioned with the permission of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism because it was registered as an immovable cultural asset. The pier was rebuilt on the reinforced concrete pile in accordance with its original construction. Thus, it was opened to the service of the passenger ferries of the Bosphorus Strait.
The ancient name, Amikos is also a pier: BEYKOZ Jetty
Beykoz Pier is located in Beykoz, whose ancient name is Amikos, according to some sources it is Beyköy and in some other sources it is called Beycevizi. The former Beykoz pasture, which has an important place in history, and the place where the agreement at the end of the Ottoman-Russian War took place is also near Hünkar Pier, which was built in 1851 as a wood by the Şirket-i Hayriye.
The pier was renovated by Kirkor Usta in 1903. Based on the fact that it was registered as an immovable cultural entity from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, a part of it was abandoned and a thousand 221,10 square meter reinforced concrete platform was constructed. 170 square meters of the platform section of the scaffolding building was made, while the other section was transformed into the present-day settlement.
THE FINAL STOP IN THE BOSPHORUS LINE: ANADOLU KAVAĞI İSKELESİ The history of Anatolian Kavağı, which dates back to very old times, is said to be derived from the Kavak word in the sense of keeping, translating and obstructing in various sources.
The main occupation of the people of this village was the Byzantine and Ottoman periods; fishing, horticulture and serving the ships waiting for air to open to the Black Sea. For this reason, it is stated that the name Kavak, which is the border customs control point, is given to the region. Today, the district is engaged in tourism and fishing.
The construction date of the Anatolian Kavağı Port, which is established in this distinguished province, is not known for certain.
Since it was registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism with the permission of the restoration, the 97,66 square meter scaffold building built on a 744,66 square meter reinforced concrete platform. Pier is serving as the last stop of the Bosphorus line piers.
Kabatas Pier, which is one of the scaffolds that have left its mark in the hearts of Istanbulites, starts from the continuation of Kabatas Park, and extends to the Dolmabahçe Palace. Kabataş Pier, one of the most important piers in this line, is located in City Lines Inc. The property is situated on an area of 331.47 square meters. There are also car ferry ramps in the area of 4 thousand 450 square meters in the area.
In the absence of Bosphorus Bridge with Kabatas Pier, passenger and vehicle transportation services were provided to Harem, Kadikoy and Bosphorus.
İskele is an important center of the integrated transportation network, which is connected to the metro, light rail and funicular lines built by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
Especially during the summer months, Adalar-Yalova-Çınarcık line passenger vayages, Kabataş Pier, City Lines Inc. is provided by ferries.
BARBAROS HAYRETTİN PAŞA PIER, one of the leading buildings of BEŞİKTAŞ Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha Pier, which is one of the buildings that comes to mind first, serves for the Bosphorus and Kadıköy line. The pier was built on a concrete platform which was obtained by driving a pile into the sea. 180 square meters of concrete scaffolding building, is located on the fill area.
The first pier in the Beşiktaş: BEŞİKTAŞ PIER
The first pier in Besiktas built in 1851 by Hayrettinönü as the seat of the Company-i Hayriye, was demolished in 1884 and renewed as a wood under the supervision of Scaffolding Repair Officer Kirkor Efendi. The pier was built in 1908, when the sea side was filled by the architect Ojiye. In 1913, the present two-storey pier was built by the Company-i Hayriye to the Architect Ali Talat Bey, and the sections that were damaged in lodosta were strengthened in 1919 by the architect Nafilyan.
The restoration work of the pier was completed with the permission of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the restoration of the old work. However, the berthing platform of 744,50 square meters was built and the pier was transformed into the present.
Iskele, Bosphorus line and Üsküdar line according to the density of passengers, according to the capacity of the steamer serves.
ORTAKOY PIER on the axis of three religions
The first pier in Ortaköy, whose name was placed in the 16th century, was built as wood in 1851 on the upper side of Abdülmecit Mosque. In 1889, the rotting pier piles were replaced and in 1910 the clock was added to the pier, which was rebuilt in 1909. The small, wooden and single-storey building with a square plan draws attention with its wide-edged windows. The recently reconstructed pier was built in the 19th century. Ortaköy Square, representing three distinctive examples of Ottoman Civil Architecture and the Ortaköy district, represent an architectural integrity.
The quay building, which was registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, was retorted in accordance with its origin due to the danger of collapse. Along with the building, the platform was renewed and the Bosphorus Line was opened to the service of cruise ships.
A pier in Arnavutköy, famous for its vineyards and gardens: ARNAVUTKÖY PIER In the 16th century, the first pier to Arnavutköy, which was famous for its vineyards and in the 19th century famous for its strawberry known as Arvaritahori by the Greeks, was built by the Şirket-i Hayriye in 1851 as wood, on the underside of the police station.
Arnavutkoy Pier, which was repaired in 1800 by changing its zinc, using telephone for the first time in 1910, rebuilt in recent history. 112 square meters of new scaffolding building, due to piled road works remained in the interior, after re-road work, 311 square meters of concrete platform, on the old features were maintained.
Apple of Bosphorus, BEBEK PIER
The pier in the Bebek district of the Bosphorus, was built in 1851as a wood between Humayu-u Abad Mosque, the school and the Kadı Mehmet Efendi Mansion. In 1890, separate lounges for women and men were built. In 1894, a wall clock was added to the pier and was repaired in 1898 and 1918. The passenger lounge of the pier was heated by the stove.
Bebek Pier, which is the current location of the Bebek Park, was built in 1920 with a wooden pile. In January 1945, the Şirket-i Hayriye was nationalized with all its assets and transferred to the General Directorate of State Ports and Ports. In August 1953, the pier was transferred to the General Directorate of Maritime Bank. Pier recently underwent a major repair.
The restoration project, inspired by the original structure of the Bosphorus pier, was approved by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Upon this approval, the new scaffold building of 73,20 square meters was constructed on a scaffold platform on a reinforced concrete pile of 255,45 square meters and was put into service of the Bosphorus line ships. Old Bebek Pier was restored and protected.
A pearl of the Bosphorus, Emirgan Pier The first pier to the Emirgan district, one of the pearls of the Bosphorus, was built in 1851 in the woods in front of the mosque, when the Şirket-i Hayriye ferries started to travel to the Bosphorus. In 1900, the Şirket-i Hayriye purchased the pier where it is today and built the pier as a timber. Iskele recently collapsed due to the fact that part of it was on the road due to the arrangement of the Bosphorus coastal road. According to the restoration project approved by the Istanbul 3 numbered Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection Board, since it is registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture, the construction of the Bosphorus Line passenger and the Bosphorus Line has been constructed on the has been opened to service.
Necklace of the Bosphorus, İstinye Pier
The necklace of the Bosphorus, which was not known for its exact date but was thought to have been built on the same dates as the other piers, was added to the pier as a docking station for Istinye Pier. The pier, which is registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, is the property of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Scaffolding is allocated as a public domain in development plans. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality is being paid to the Presidency of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
The other pearl of the Bosphorus, Yeniköy Pier Although the construction date of the Yeniköy Ferry Port in Yeniköy, which is located in the quiet neighborhood of the historical mansions and the enchanting landscape in Istanbul, is not known precisely, it is estimated that it was built in 1851, like other piers for the sailing of the Strait Line during the period of Şirket-i Hayriye.
The pier, which is registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, has been restored by the restoration permit. Thus, a passenger hall of 84,90 square meters was built on a concrete platform on a pile piled in the sea. Pier was opened to the service of Bosphorus cruise ships.
BÜYÜKDERE PIER, with Bosphorus pier architecture
Büyükdere Pier, located in the district of Sarıyer in Büyükdere, a prominent district of Boğaziçi, famous for its tea gardens, remained behind the road in 1989 due to piled road construction. On this occasion, the restoration permission for the old work registered scaffolding was obtained and the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality was appointed as the current quay. Büyükdere Pier was built on a space of 311.75 square meters on the area gained from the sea, a passenger hall of 123.20 square meters and a docking station of 188.55 square meters. Delivered to the City Lines, the pier is currently being used by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Maintenance and Repair Department.
SARIYER pier in one of the oldest and most famous districts of the BosphorusSarıyer, one of the oldest settlements in the Bosphorus, is called Simas in ancient times. Sarıyer, which is one of the magnificent districts of Istanbul, has been known for many years with a Bosphorus village property, summer beaches and casinos, and water resources on weekends. It is named as ‘Sarıyar’ because of the fact that the land appears in yellow due to the mine in the vicinity of all the old source.
The construction date of Sarıyer Pier in Sarıyer is unknown, but it is estimated to be one of the oldest pier buildings. The Eski Sarıyer pier was built in 1851 by the Şirket-i Hayriye to the former boathouse pier in Mesar Cape, which was formerly known as Simos and later on means joy and pleasure.
In 1890, the restoration permit was obtained by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the scaffolding repaired by Kirkor Efendi and the foreman. Thus, the scaffolding platform was converted into concrete and opened to the Bosphorus line.
The center of interest of the tourists: RUMELİ KAVAĞI PIER Rumeli Kavağı Port, which is the last stop of the European side of Istanbul, was established after the establishment of Şirket-i Hayriye, in the context of the construction of the ferries to the settlements in the Bosphorus.
The pier, which was registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, was built on the 286,38 square meter platform, which was obtained by the permission of the restoration and the sea pile. In the recent history, the pier for the flights of the Bosphorus Line cruise ships attracts attention with its touristic features.
The largest pier of the Golden Horn line, KASIMPAŞA PIER
Kasımpaşa, which was named after Vezir Kasım Pasha who built important zoning regulations, mosques and fountains during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Süleyman the Ottoman Sultan, was the oldest settlement on the Beyoğlu side of Istanbul.
Kasımpaşa, which is located between the historical districts of Istanbul and Galata and Hasköy, was a district of sailors and shipyard workers. In the 19th century, Kasımpaşa, which was one of the richest neighborhoods of Istanbul, could not have reached its former glory after the big fire in 1821.
Regarded as a cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the scaffold was rebuilt in accordance with the original on the platform on 396,00 square meters of reinforced concrete pile, with the permission of restoration. The pier, which opens to the Golden Horn and Üsküdar line flights, is the largest pier in the Golden Horn line.
A place frequented by minorities: FENER PIER One of the oldest settlements of Istanbul, Fener, the Fener Patriarchate and Church, was one of the most popular neighborhoods of the minorities in Istanbul in the past. The district is also part of a private settlement project funded by the Haliç Culture Project.
The Fener Pier was built on the sea with 100 square meters of reinforced concrete piles because it was registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Passenger transportation is carried out from the Fener Pier by the motor-boat on the Eyüp-Eminönü-Üsküdar line organized by the City Lines Inc
A pier from the old Istanbul skyline: Balat Pier
Balat, the oldest settlement of the minorities in Istanbul, is known for its many traces of ancient culture. The construction date of Balat Pier, one of the most important buildings of Balat, is not known. It was rebuilt on the 229 square meter concrete platform obtained by pile to the sea with the permission of the restoration from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Motor-boat type passenger ferries in the Eyüp-Eminönü-Üsküdar line organized by the City Lines and passenger transport on the Golden Horn line are carried out from Balat Pier.
The elegance of green in the AYVANSARAY PIER
Ayvansaray Pier, which is located in the region of the Golden Horn, which combines the traces of culture with the social and cultural history blended with minorities, is in the position of a pier integrated with history and nature within the grace and splendor of green, with the golden space arrangement of the Golden Horn. Ayvansaray Pier, which is built on a platform of 151.00 square meters on reinforced concrete piles, which is registered as an immovable cultural asset by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, has a single-storey wood-clad pier building. Motor-boat-type passenger ferries on the Eyüp-Eminönü-Üsküdar line organized by the City Lines and passenger transport on the Golden Horn line are carried out from the Ayvansaray Pier.
Sütlüce Pier, located on the Kasımpaşa-Hasköy route of the Haliç line, was built at the midpoint of the former Halıcıoğlu and Sütlüce wharves, after the arrangement of the green area by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Recently, as a result of a fire, the pier was closed for a period of time. The restoration from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism was renewed with permission. The pier offers services on an area of 241 square meters on the sea.
Motor-boat type passenger ferries on the Eyüp-Eminönü-Üsküdar line organized by the City Lines and passenger transport on the Golden Horn line are carried out from Sütlüce Pier.
Among the symbols of Islam, EYUP PIER Eyüp, which is one of the oldest settlements of Istanbul, is a district which has a structured structure according to the Islamic life style and society understanding.
Feshane, which is called as the sewing of old fezler, Eyüp Sultan Tomb, the name of French writer Pierre Loti's coffee, old Turkish houses, and each of the cemeteries of Ottoman cemetery culture is located in Eyüp, one of the other unique. Eyüp, as the Golden Horn (Golden Horn), is the symbol of the religious culture of old Istanbul for Muslims as well as for foreigners.
Eyüp Pier was renewed as a single-storey wood-covered scaffold building on a 186.00 sqm land area of the City Lines with the piled road which was recently constructed by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. The pier and the platform are located on the sea as a pile of Eyup Pier, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism as a cultural asset is registered.
Eyüp pier is the last pier of the Golden Horn line due to alluviums carried by Kâğıthane Creek in Old Haliç.
Motor-boat type passenger ferries on the Eyüp-Eminönü-Üsküdar line organized by the City Lines and passenger transport on the Golden Horn line are carried out from Sütlüce Pier.
Şirket-İ HAYRİYE's Incomplete PierIstanbul means mosques, minarets, bridges, towers, but also ships, wharves, ferries and sea lover passengers.
Although many of them were closed in Istanbul because of the lack of passengers, many scaffolds still exist today and their life is extended with renewals. Some are old, some are new; some large, some small piers, an integral part of Istanbul.
The piers, which are the places worthy of the daily lives of the passengers, express the following important details that tell us that we live in Istanbul: scaffolds, ferries, lodos waves and screaming gulls.
Some scaffolds of Şirket-İ HAYRİYE which have been closed in time There are also some scaffolds of the Şirket-i Hayriye which are closed down and do not survive in time. These piers can be considered as Salacak, Yedikule, Tarabya, Kireçburnu, Yemiş, Kağıthane, Zeytinburnu, Boyacıköy and Cibali.